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Sony PRS505 – In Conclusion

November 13, 2009

I’ve been testing this eReader out for two weeks now. Well, when I say two weeks, I mean I used it for the first few days, whilst I read my first book on it. Then I decided I didn’t like it enough, and it has sat on a shelf since.

Overall, my conclusions have not changed from those I wrote about before. I love the screen, it is fabulous, and it really does feel soft on the eyes. Other than that, there’s really nothing to recommend this particular model. The page turn controls are in the wrong place for me, it has no additional features that mark it out, and the page turn is distractingly slow.

The overwhelming point, for me, from this test has been that if I am going to consider buying one of these devices in the future, and let’s face it, I probably will, then I need to use it first. This is going to be a problem with the Kindle, if I can’t find someone who already has one.

The other point I have to take from this is that I don’t really need an eReader. I don’t have a commute on public tranport every day, I don’t have a job so I can’t use it at lunchtime. In spite of all, I still want one. But now I know it has to be the right one, not just any one.

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